Thursday, 28 April 2011


Tidak salahkan mencintai@meminati seseorg.....Tpi,,salah ka jika kita mencintai org yg telah mempunyai pasangan....???Ini adlah tentang diri aku yg tlah mencntai seseorang yg mempunyai pasangan....aku cuba melupakannya....tpi,,,xdpt.....Senyumannya kerap muncul dlm mimpiku....Ap ak perlu bwat???Tlong beri Cadangan...Friend...Help me....


  1. halo..sowe msk cmpur..hee.. urm..kes parah jg nhe..huhhu.. i think you should lupakn sjalah.sowe mgkn sush jg nk lupkn tp ini dah hakikat lau kta suka owg tue tp owg tue dh ada yg lain yg lbh dya syg..wat kita merana sja.buang kran dok ingat dya sja.pdahl dya kt cna blm tntu ag nk ingat kta doh..idup msti dteruskn..happy2..dont over look back..mgkn i2 bkn jdoh .mna thu suatu ary nnti dok trjumpa mkwe yg lain.hehe.. mc ramai ag girl kat dunia nhe.. tp..u fkr2 lah lu..i2 dri u sja..ehehe..u fkrlah yg tbek wat dri u okey..jan risau2lah dah..
    okey.. >.<

  2. May I comment? This is the hardest part in our life right? I should forget her. For one thing, you don't have to be unfair to yourself.You should enjoy your teenage life freely and gaily without having to worry about any committment. Next, life is mysterious, sometimes or most of the time we cannot predict what comes along in the next few second. To share with you...once I had been waiting for someone for almost 5 years..and lived with his 'shadow'throughout that period...until one day I realised that I was a fool when hoping for something worthless like that.Anyway, it was a blessing in disguise as well when we didn't have any committment with anyone. I passed my SPM with a flying colour just because I wanted to prove to that person...that I'm much-2 better than him and I deserve to have somebody much-much better than him. So,my advice is...concentrate on your study first..FIRST COMES FIRST...when the time has don't have to beg for her love...instead many other girls out there will be chasing after you...JUST BELIEVE...and read again the lyrics I have posted to you ...on HEAVEN KNOWS by RICK PRICE...that song will help u to heal your pain.

  3. Thanks to all comment....Especially my teacher...Love U Teacher...
